ARIANNA Token Address: 0x5dd1dac418d7afbdd29d05cdd9985fdc1b860b31 Don't be tricked by scammers, always double check the contract address The value of ARIANNA will rise as more users invest BUSD and when ARIANNA tokens are minted.
You can earn ARIANNA from using BUSD to mint.
You will earn ARIANNA tokens as a percentage of BUSD invested irrespective of the ARIANNA price i.e. If you invest 100 BUSD you will receive 5 ARIANNA per day.
You cannot unstake your BUSD tokens.
You can earn ARIANNA from staking ARIANNA.
ARIANNA staking is locked for 7 days from your last stake.
Unstaking ARIANNA tokens will result in 50% being returned to the investor, and 50% being returned to available supply.
Total Supply: The maximum amount of ARIANNA Tokens that can exist (fixed at 1,000,000).
Circulating Supply: The amount of ARIANNA tokens that are currently in wallets.
Available Suppy: (Total Supply - Circulating Supply).
ARIANNA Price: (Total BUSD Balance / Available Supply).
As you claim ARIANNA from minting, it is removed from the Available Supply and added to the Circulating Supply.
As you sell ARIANNA, it is removed from the Circulating Supply and added to the Available Supply.
Invest: 8% on BUSD, 0% on Staking ARIANNA.
Sell: 0%
Last updated